Commencement speech at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies’ commencement ceremony, May 2019


US House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, & Technology Hearing on Equity in Energy Innovation, July 16, 2021. I had the privilege of testifying to the Energy Subcommittee, indentifying four research areas that US DOE can pursue to improve renewable energy technologies toward an equitable energy transition. Ironically, my testimony was somewhat hampered by technological problems, but my fellow witnesses offered incredibly persuasive and informative testimony.



“EJ Solidarities: Connections Across Movements and Moments in the Era of Covid,” Brown IBES EJ Speaker Series, September 2020



“Anti-Racist Praxis for Energy Transitions,” RISD Liberal Arts Speaker Series, October 2020 0

“From Decarbonization to Decolonization: A Framework for Action on the Green New Deal” at the Green New Deal Dialogue at Johns Hopkins University, March 2019

“Climate Futures, Design, and the Just Transition” at the Rhode Island School of Design, November 9, 2018

I had the honor of participating in this fabulous symposium, which highlighted a wide cross-section of disciplinary approaches to socially just energy transitions. While I recommend checking out all of these talks and conversations, my presentation begins at the one hour, six minute mark.

“Climate Futures II: Design Politics, Design Natures, Aesthetics and the Green New Deal” at the Rhode Island School of Design, December 5, 2019

The sequel to the first Climate Futures symposium focused our attention on the Green New Deal. Once again, we had so many brilliant scholars and activists offering a diverse range of insights. I facilitated a lively discussion on racial capitalism and the GND with Shalanda Baker (Professor, Northeastern School of Law) and Jacqui Paterson (NAACP, Director of the NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Program) that begins (with me fumbling my phone and book) around the 2 hour and 15 minute mark.